Roofing Solutions
Inverted roof in general
The thermal insulation for gravelled, greened, walkable and vehicle-accessible flat roofs.

Roofing Solutions
Gravelled inverted roof
JACKODUR®: Durable insulation for functional flat roofs.

Roofing Solutions
Green inverted roof
JACKODUR: Sustainable insulated flat roof as the basis for a healthy urban climate.

Roofing Solutions
Vehicle-accessible inverted roof
JACKODUR inverted roof: The rooftop parking solution.

Roofing Solutions
Duo/Plus roof
Sustainable roof renovation for existing construction.

Building below ground level
Perimeter insulation of foundation slab

Building below ground level
JACKODUR® Atlas floor slab insulation system

Building below ground level
Perimeter of base-plate and foundations

Building below ground level
Perimeter insulation of basement retaining wall
Energy-efficient insulation for soil-contact structural elements.

Building above ground level
Top-storey ceiling insulation
Efficient renovation project insulation solution.

Building above ground level
Exterior insulation behind panelling
Thermal insulation with XPS insulation boards.

Building above ground level
Core insulation
Reliable insulation under severe weathering conditions.

Building above ground level
Window reveal
Thermal bridge-free insulation of window reveals with XPS.

Building above ground level
Plinth insulation under plaster
Optimal thermal and moisture protection in the perimeter area.

Building above ground level
Thermal bridge insulation
Save heating costs sustainably with JACKODUR®.

Building above ground level
Insulation under screed
The right choice for industrial screed insulation.